今月のビジネス交流会はYakitori 39にて午後6時から開催されます。「私のビジネス体験シェア」今回は、ばってんラーメンの中島敏行社長です。苦労した話、助けられた話、山あり谷ありのお話が楽しみです。自己紹介と相談コーナーもあります。8時からお食事交流会(参加費$40、ドリンク別)が続きます。皆様のご参加心よりお待ちしております。
- 日時:2024年5月14日(火曜日)
午後6時より - 場所:Yakitori39
252 Degraw Ave, Teaneck, NJ 07666 - 参加費:無料
*8時からの食事会に参加される方は$40 (ドリンク別)
Dear Friends of JAANJ,
Business networking night in May will be held from 6 pm at Yakitori 39. Our guest speaker of the month is Mr. Toshiyuki Nakajima, the owner of Batten Ramen in Fort Lee, NJ! He will share his amazing stories about how he navigated ups and downs throughout his career journey which we are sure you do not want to miss. There will be “My Business Introduction” segment at this event. Dinner starts at 8pm ($40/person, drinks are not included)
- Date: Tuesday, May 14th, 2024
Event starts at 6 pm, followed by dinner at 8 pm - Location: Yakitori39
252 Degraw Ave, Teaneck, NJ 07666 - Fee: Free
*$40 for those who would like to join us for dinner at 8 pm
Please register by clicking the link below!