
豊かな収穫の秋に、「秋祭り」Japanese International Food Festival をニュージャージー最大の公園、Overpeck County Park, Amphitheater Area の、野外劇場のある大きなピクニックエリアで行います。

Japanese International Food Festival in New Jersey

  • 日程:2023年10月15日
  • 時間:11:00am-4:30pm
  • 場所:Overpeck County Park Amphitheater Area
  • Ridgefield Park/Leonia, NJ
  • 参加費:無料(会場内のそれぞれの屋台でお支払いください)
  • 参加登録:必要ありません、出入り自由です、どなたさまもご参加できます。
  • 駐車場:会場の正面に300台、徒歩10分の場所にも大きな駐車場があります。
  • 食べ物:会場にフードトラックと屋台が並びます。
    ラーメン、焼き鳥、お好み焼き、唐揚げ、焼きそばなどの日本のお祭りフード、日本人のソールフードに加えて、韓国焼肉、BBQ、バブルティ、クレープ、おだんご etc.


Time(PM)Performance Schedule
Japanese dance by Kamo Urara of the Takarazuka Revue
Ballet by Hariyama Ballet
Singing and performance by Rino Aise and Rino Band
(J-POP, anime music, Bon dance)
Bon dance throughout the venue
2:25コスプレコンテスト(by Puti Con)
Cosplay Contest (by Puti Con)
2:45殺陣演武(by Samurai Sword Soul)
Sword fighting performance (by Samurai Sword Soul)
3:05Hip Hop Dance(E5)
Yosakoi Soran Dance (by 10teKomai and Kougyoku)

Ulala Kamo (Saburin)
Born in Kyoto, Japan and former member of Takarazuka Revue Company (A female theatre company that performs internationally). 
Appears ” The Rose of Vesailes”and “Chushingura”etc.  Mastered Japanese dance as Rokumika Hanayagi.
In 1994, received the diploma of London Studio Center, then came to NY in 1996.
Performed “Radio City Christmas Show” Ciderella”” King& I” etc.

Hariyama Ballet
NY dance artistry is located by the Penn Station Manhattan,  serving children, pre-professionals and adults.
Ballet is our main focus but we also offer K-POP, Contemporary and Pilates.

Rino Aise
The music created by the band, accompanied by Lino’s clear, transparent voice and the sound of the sanshin (three-stringed instrument), is popular among New Yorkers for its pop, bright, and flirtatious take on traditional Japanese songs. Their anime music, in particular, is loved around the world.

Samurai Sword Soul
Samurai Sword Soul is a theater company based in New York, founded by Yoshi Amao in 2003.
Their numerous performances: an engaging mix of comedy routines, humanistic-theme drama, and thrilling sword fights, have been attracting a wide range of audiences in New York. 
Samurai Sword Soul presents, “The Life of Samurai” performed by Saori Goda and Yoshi Amao.

“We are E5, an all girls group of 5 members, all part of a street and club style dance team called Project D Dance Company LLC! Even though we are all from different cultures and ethnicities, dance has brought us together and we wanted to share with everyone the joy of dancing together! We are thrilled to be here to dance for everyone and we hope you enjoy our performance!” 

10tecomai is a Yosakoi dance team from New York
City that has been promoting Yosakoi since 2005. Their continuing mission is to
entertain and educate people about Yosakoi through performances across the United
States as well as virtually all over the world.
Kogyoku is a fresh and newly formed YOSAKOI team from New York, proudly named
after the Big Apple and founded in the summer of 2021.
They will showcase their pride and love for YOSAKOI along with 10tecomai through
passionate and powerful dancing and the crisp clacking of the Naruko.

ラーメン (Ramen)Batten Ramenトラック (Truck)
焼き鳥 (Yakitori)Yakitori39テント (Tent)
お好み焼き (Okonomiyaki)Otafukuテント (Tent)
BBQOriental BBQトラック (Truck)
韓国BBQ (Korean BBQ)KBBQトラック (Truck)
バブルティ (Bubble tea)Top Teaトラック (Truck)
シェフ焼きそば (Chef Yakisoba)JAANJテント (Tent)
大分からあげ (Karaage from Oita)JAANJテント (Tent)
おにぎり (Onigiri)Oh Mammyテント (Tent)
台湾ちまき (Taiwan Chimaki)JAANJテント (Tent)
ハロウィン3色だんご (Halloween 3-color dango)Sis Kitchen Laboテント (Tent)
ビーガンチョコ (Vegan Chocolate)テーブル (Table)
日本の駄菓子 (Japanese sweet)JAANJテーブル (Table)
日本のキャラクターお面 (Japanese character mask)JAANJテーブル (Table)
フリーマーケット (Flea Market)JAANJテーブル (Table)
ケラー ウィリアム (不動産)
(Keller William (Real Estate))
テント (Tent)
IACE トラベル (旅行会社)
(IACE Travel (travel agency))
テーブル (Table)
Amnet トラベル (旅行会社)
(Amnet Travel (travel agency))
水ヨーヨー釣り (Water yo-yo fishing)JAANJ
スーパーボールすくい (Super Ball Scooping)JAANJ